THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for making our dream come true!

With your support, we reached the deposit needed to follow through with my visa application in Canada. I’ve never been so close from finding security and reuniting with my brother!

We decided to maintain this campaign open until the last minute, because any additional donations would be of great support. The amount required by the Canadian governement is a minimum. We have been advised to try and gather more to ward off a possible inflation since the process to get me to Canada might take more than a year.
This incredible success also gave me strengh to look for studying avenues in Calgary.

Our next step will be to transfer the required amount to the bank account of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), the NGO mandated by the Canadian government to implement the state-led refugee sponsor program I’m part of.

Additional donations will support my studies. I’m willing to make the world a better place, combining my interest in environmental science and sustainability with more creative cultural accomplishments, notably theatre, where I have been writing and directing.

To make the grade at the university of my choice, there will be preparatory work, including an English language exam.

Secondly, it may include a preparatory course on study methods (such as the academic communication certificate, which takes 4-11 months).

With the support of my brother and my friends George, Xenia and Laurence, I’m now assessing how much that will cost and exploring potential scholarships avenues.

All of this is only possible thanks to you.

There is a sentence saying « Hope is a team work. » Thank you so much for reigniting our flame!

With our deepest gratitude,

Safa, Muhammed Yassin, George, Xènia and Laurence

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for taking interest in my life story. You can learn more about those supporting me, what the money will be used for and my story throughout the website. Your support means more than you know!